A Message from Secretary Gray

Welcome to the Wyoming Secretary of State's online office. The Office of Secretary of State oversees the administration of numerous matters including: the registration of business entities; statewide elections; lobbyist registrations and filings; ethics filings; campaign finance; securities; notaries public; registered agents; trade names; trademarks; document authentication; and agricultural liens, among others.

Click here for more information about the Office.
Click here to meet Secretary Gray.

A Message from Secretary of State Chuck Gray

Welcome to the Wyoming Secretary of State's online office. The Office of Secretary of State oversees the administration of numerous matters including: the registration of business entities; statewide elections; lobbyist registrations and filings; ethics filings; campaign finance; securities; notaries public; registered agents; trade names; trademarks; document authentication; and agricultural liens, among others.

Learn more about the Office.
Meet Secretary Gray.

News and Highlights

Online Tools

Did you know that you can file your annual report; reinstate an entity; or form several types domestic entities online! In addition, you can search for details about a business entity and obtain PDFs of many of the entity filings! Get started now!

The Administrative Rules System provides easy access to proposed, emergency and final rules; strong and effective word search capabilities; GovDelivery subscription availability; and much more!

Use the Annual Report Wizard to file Annual Reports electronically or to print and mail in your report.

Search for registered entities using a Filing ID or the entity name. Filing ID refers to the identification number assigned to the filing by the Secretary of State’s Office. Filings include business entities, trademarks and trade names.

Search for campaign finance information filed by state candidates, candidate committees, political action committees, organizations and political parties. Local and county candidates, committees, and organizations should check with the appropriate local office.

Print or validate a certificate of good standing for a business entity registered in Wyoming at no cost.

Visit our Lobbyist Center to register or renew your Wyoming lobbyist registration! Be sure to check out the other links as well!

Locate and download Media Releases and sound bites issued by the Secretary of State's Office.

Take a moment to review notary information and rules or simply download the notary application form now.

Generate reinstatement filing forms. A Wyoming entity administratively dissolved may apply to the Secretary of State's Office for reinstatement within two (2) years after the dissolution date.

State of Wyoming

Wyoming Great Seal