UCC / EFS / Buyer Registrations

The Legislative Service Office website no longer allows direct access to specific chapters or statutory citations. We recommend you print the list below then, navigate to the LSO website in order to access specific chapters/statutes.

UCC Statutes

Wyoming Uniform Commercial Code W.S. 34.1-9-101 through 34.1-9-709
Transmitting Utility Act W.S. 37-4-101 through 37-4-104
Agricultural Producer's Liens W.S. 29-8-101 through 29-8-203
Severance Tax Liens W.S. 39-14-108 through 39-14-708
Sale or License of Records W.S. 34.1-9-523

EFS Statutes

Wyoming Central Filing System W.S. 34-21-1101 through 34-21-1107
Agricultural Producer's Liens W.S. 29-8-101 through 29-8-203

Buyer Registration Statutes

Wyoming Central Filing System W.S. 34-21-1102 through 34-21-1107