Independent Candidate Petitions
Independent Candidate Petitioning Information
Wyoming Statutes 22-5-301 through 22-5-308 are controlling legislation. The petition shall be approved by the appropriate filing office prior to circulation. The statements below are only a summary and you should consult the statutes as cited.
An unsuccessful candidate at a primary election is not eligible for nomination by petition for the same office at the next general election.
A petition for nomination shall be filed with the appropriate filing office. Federal or state offices file with the Secretary of State's office. Local offices file with the county clerk.
A petition for office shall be signed by registered electors, resident in the jurisdiction, and eligible to vote for the petitioner, numbering not less than two percent (2%) of the total number of votes cast in the state for U.S. Representative in the last general election. The number of signatures required for a statewide race is 3,891 for the upcoming 2024 General Election. (W.S. 22-5-304(a))
Active Independent Candidate Petitions
Current independent candidates approved by the Wyoming Secretary of State for circulation in accordance with: W.S. 22-5-301 through 22-5-308
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Petition status: Withdrawn. The candidate withdrew after successfully petitioning to appear on the general election ballot.
- Jill Stein
Petition status: The candidate was required to obtain and file the required number of signatures by August 26, 2024. The candidate did not submit any petitions to the Secretary of State's office.
- Demetra Wysinger
Petition status: The candidate was required to obtain and file the required number of signatures by August 26, 2024. The candidate did not submit any petitions to the Secretary of State's office.
Wyoming State House
- House District 10 - Timothy Forbis
Petition status: Successful
- House District 12 - Joseph Ramirez
Petition status: The candidate was required to obtain and file the required number of signatures by August 26, 2024. The candidate did not submit any petitions to the Secretary of State's office.
- House District 43 - Rocky S. Case
Petition status: Candidate withdrew from petition process
- House District 51 - Bruce Burns
Petition Status: The candidate was required to obtain and file the required number of signatures by August 26, 2024. The candidate did not submit any petitions to the Secretary of State's office.
- House District 57 - Tyler Cessor
Petition status: Withdrawn. The candidate withdrew after successfully petitioning to appear on the general election ballot.
- House District 57 - John Marshall Stewart
Petition status: Candidate withdrew from petition process